Vocabby's World


Vocabby’s World is a free community vocabulary program that began in 2015 as partnership with the McWane Science Center and sponsored by PNC. The adventures of Vocabby take pre-K children on travels around the world as they learn vocabulary words through art and science integration. Vocabby’s World provide hands-on activities that reach families Woodlawn and surrounding neighborhoods. Free books, curriculum and art materials reinforce the new vocabulary learned.  Vocabby’s World is not only for the child but for the guardian to help create success in these formative years.  All children birth to five and their guardians are welcome!

Vocabby’s World also engages local community partners with the Passport Program, a word scavenger hunt. Each month, neighborhood merchants (see below for complete list) will display vocabulary posters related to items in their businesses. Participating children will receive passports with the target words, and when the children locate the word in their community businesses, they can get their passports stamped for points.

For more information and a free Adventures of Vocabby book, email artplay@uab.edu!

The third Saturday of each month

10:30am – Woodlawn UMC
139 54th St N, Birmingham, AL 35212


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For more information on how your family can participate, call 205 975 4769

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