Private Lessons Private Lessons: Piano
Teaching Artist Pat Billups
Please email before you enroll in private lessons to ensure that there is availability and also to insure that your schedule matches that of the teaching artist.
Pat Bowman Billups is a piano teacher of some 34 years in the Birmingham community. She is passionate about teaching the skills that prepare students of all ages to play piano, compose music, and develop their individual music goals and creativity. She currently serves as the state chair of Alabama Junior Music Festivals under the auspices of the National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC). In Alabama’s District II (Birmingham), she serves as chair of the Theory Festival and has worked with the state chair of the Junior Composer Festival. These festivals offer opportunities for young musicians to compete in various areas of music. Previously, she served for 13 years in the position of coordinator for City Stages Jazz Camp. She also serves as the choir director at First Baptist Church Graymont.
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