Upcoming Events
Arts in Medicine PresentsThe Last Ecstatic Days Film Screening & End-of-Life Care Panel: Cultural & Spiritual Considerations
6:00 PM Film screening of the “Last Ecstatic Days” featuring Aditi Sethi Ethan Sisser, a young man with terminal brain cancer, sits alone in his hospital room.
AEIVA, ASC, AIM & ArtPlay Present2024 Arts Block Party
Join AEIVA, ASC, ArtPlay, and Arts in Medicine as we officially launch our 2024-25 programming with an unforgettable evening of art, music, and mouthwatering food trucks at the...
AEIVA PresentsManjari Sharma: तत् त्वम् असि (Tat Tvam Asi) The Universe is a Mirror
Manjari Sharma is a Mumbai-born, LA-based artist exploring ritual, identity, memory, and mythology. Sharma’s 2023 exhibition Expanding Darshan, which combined the diverse historic collections of the Birmingham Museum...
ASC PresentsDru Hill
Step into the future of R&B history and discover the groundbreaking legacy of Dru Hill, comprised of the immensely talented “NOKIO,” “SISQO,” “SMOKE,” and “BLACK.” As music historians...
Welcome Statement
We’re thrilled to introduce you to the exciting programs and events hosted by the Abroms-Engel Institute for the Visual Arts (AEIVA), Alys Stephens Center (ASC), ArtPlay Community Art Education (ArtPlay), and UAB Arts in Medicine (AIM). Our team is dedicated to pushing the boundaries and finding new, innovative ways to bring the arts to life. We work tirelessly to curate thought-provoking exhibitions, enriching educational programs, and experiences that promote well-being through the arts. Take a moment to explore our site and discover all that we have to offer.
Lili Anderson, Executive Director
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